Intravenous Fluid Therapy Guidance Sheet
Confused about IVFT terminology? Want a quick reference guide to some of the key areas of fluid therapy? Stuck with calculations for maintenance or dehydration?
Have a go with our guide - quick reference, cheap and cheerful and handy for revision.
You need this guide!
Big and bold to help you learn
Disclaimer: RVNs & SVNs are reminded of the RVCS Code of Conduct and should always consult a veterinary surgeon before taking any action or giving any medication. The author does not accept any liability or responsibility for any damage caused through the use of this guide.
This tool is to provide guidance to support student veterinary nurses.
The author does not claim that these tools are specific to particular OSCE skills or standards
This does not replace veterinarian or physiotherapist advice, nor does it replace veterinary care. Information is based upon UK veterinary guidelines, if buying outside the UK you must follow your local/ nation veterinary guidelines and law.
PJ VN Tutoring Ltd have all rights reserved and own and retain all rights to any documents, resources or mock exams that are provided. Anyone found to have leaked this resources will be subject to a copyright infringement. PJ VN Tutoring Ltd owns all intellectual rights their resources (unless otherwise stated), mocks. feedback forms and images (unless otherwise stated)