Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy
If you need to cancel a session, please notify us by email, providing at least 24 hours’ notice. If cancellation occurs in less than 24 hours, 100% fees cost will be charged.
In circumstances where longer than 24 hours notice is given, PJ VN Tutoring reserve the decide whether or not rescheduling may be offered, refunds will be rewarded on a case by case basis provided the session can be filled by another student. If insufficient time is provided to fill the slot, refunds will not be guaranteed. Please do not commit to any time slots without making sure you will be available.
If you are running late for a session, please notify us by email, with a rough estimation of when you might be available. PJ VN Tutoring are aware of the exceptional circumstances that might occur leading to late arrival. Please notify us as soon as feasibly possible. PJ VN Tutoring will attempt to honour the session on the first occasion, however if this is not feasible refunds will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Repeat late arrivals, no notification or a no show beyond 15 minutes of the scheduled starting time, will result in a termination of the session and forfeit of fees.
PJ VN Tutoring reserve the right to not refund the fees for cancelled slots to recuperate the costs incurred due to that slot not being utilised by another student.
P&J VN Tutoring reserve the right the reschedule or cancel a session at their discretion, subject to exception circumstances.