Welcome to the PJ VN Tutoring Ltd Shop

Assignment Support T&Cs and Disclaimer


In this document you will find the terms for P&J VN Tutoring. 

 P&J VN Tutoring are referred to by name, ‘us’ or ‘we’ as the context dictates. ‘Polly Keene’ and ‘Jacqui Duffield’ both work under the title of P&J VN Tutoring’.  

Students are referred to as ‘apprentice’, ‘student’, ‘students’ or ‘you’.  

Once you have signed the terms you will be supplied with support by P&J VN Tutoring for the services identified by you (the student) below.  

Any service you select will be referred to accordingly, ‘fees’ shall mean any fees charged by Polly Keene or Jacqui Duffield for the provision of Services to the student. 

Charges apply for services provided and will be invoiced individually. Please read the following document carefully.  

By signing this document, you are agreeing to the following statements:  




Fees are due on receipt of your invoice before the start of services provided. Failure to settle fees before the service provided will lead to immediate cancellation of the services offered. 


Assignment support:  

Students agree to share their work with us for analysis and assessment.  

PJ VN Tutoring can only provide their opinion on assignment criteria based on their experience they are not able to mark your assignment on behalf of your college or directly confirm criteria has been met.  

We provide proof reading, referencing support and guidance on subject content based on experience.  

We aim to turn around all assignments within 1 week, and feedback is sent via email and comments throughout the assignment.  

We will not copy/ store or share any assignments, once received we will assess, provide feedback and keep the hardcopy of the “marked” assignment for one week and then delete.  


Each party to this agreement, including P&J VN Tutoring, Polly Keene and Jacqui Duffield and the Student, undertakes that it shall not at any time disclose to any person, persons, or organisation any confidential information concerning the business, affairs, students, practices, clients, suppliers of any other party, except as permitted by:  



Use of Personal Information 

P&J VN Tutoring may use your email address to contact you regarding future events. If you would not like to be included in these emails, please notify us on: [email protected]  



RVNs & SVNs are reminded of the RVCS Code of Conduct and should always consult a veterinary surgeon before taking any action or giving any medication.  

P&J VN Tutoring, Polly Keene and Jacqui Duffield do not accept any liability or responsibility for any damage caused through the use of their services. 

P&J VN Tutoring, Polly Keene and Jacqui Duffield aim to provide guidance to support student veterinary nurses. They do not claim that their support and/or services are specific to particular OSCE skills or training or delivery standards. 

P&J VN Tutoring, Polly Keene and Jacqui Duffield do not replace the examining body supporting guidance. P&J Tutoring, Polly Keene and Jacqui Duffield do not replace the training provider supporting guidance.  

Services provided by P&J VN Tutoring does not replace veterinarian or physiotherapist advice, nor does it replace veterinary care. Information is based upon UK veterinary guidelines, if studying outside the UK you must follow your local/ nation veterinary guidelines and law. 


Rescheduling Policy 

If you need to reschedule, please notify us by email, providing at least 24 hours’ notice. If providing less than 24 hours’ notice, a £5 rescheduling fee applies.  


Cancellation Policy 

If you need to cancel a session, please notify us by email, providing at least 24 hours’ notice. If cancellation occurs in less than 24 hours, 100% fees cost will be charged.  


P&J VN Tutoring reserve the right the reschedule or cancel a session at their disgression, subject to exception circumstances.